About Mike Del Vecchio
contains my personal collection of scale model
U.S. artillery and armored fighting vehicles. When I was a boy, I built
many models from scratch and kits.
were not as detailed or realistic as some models we see
today, but building was my passion. With age came life's responsibilities
so I drifted away from modeling through college, military
career, professional career, marriage and children.
In 2004, I came across an Italeri M107 while out
shopping. Something in me made me buy it. The kit sat
around for another year or so and then one day I sat down and opened it.
After a 30 year absence, thus returned my passion for modeling. Since coming back to scale modeling,
I have learned a great deal about the techniques involved in making more
realistic quality display models, remembered a ton of techniques I used
many years ago and in the course of experimentation, have also come up
with a few new techniques of my own. Today’s models are more complex and
detailed with many additions such as photo-etch parts and other
aftermarket add on items. Yet, I also enjoy some of the older kits
and the challenge to keep them fresh with today’s technology.
At this point in my life, modeling helps me relax and enjoy life more. As a retired artillery officer and history enthusiast, I enjoy
Armor models. I stay basically with WWII to present US artillery and
support equipment. It allows me to be back in the field with artillery
equipment, albeit in miniature.
Disclaimer... |
I hope that none of the information on
this web site offends anyone. I am not a proponent of war,
however I do believe in a strong National Defense. I am a
proud veteran. I do not belong to any radical organizations
or militias, and I certainly mean no harm to anyone in
anyway, shape or form. I am only looking at this for it's
historical sense and also from a scale modeling enthusiast's
point of view.
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All of the material contained in this web site is ©
copyright and is the sole property of the author, unless
otherwise specified. The information found on this website
is intended for personal reference use only. No information
contained herein is to be used for any commercial
purposes whatsoever without prior written permission. THIS
found to be in violation of this will have their auctions
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